July 22, 2015 A day to remember

Some days you just know you are blessed.

I got up at some unearthly hour this morning, 4;45AM, I believe. In a haze I got dressed and finished the last minute packing for my trip the VidCon here in Anaheim.

I arrived at the airport early and I am so glad that I did because something terrible went wrong with the baggage conveyor belts and scanners today. I dread to think what the delays must have been after we left town because at 6 am it was a gong show. People very frustrated, looooooooooooooooong lineups (queues for my European friends) and people just in turmoil. I am sure a lot didn’t make it onto their flights.

I sat next to a fascinating pilot on the way down. Of course, he took a while to even talk to me but we really got into the convo and the last hour of the flight was fully of laughter an/d information I didn’t know before. You know I love that.

I was greeted by Dave, from a wonderful car service and transported down to Anaheim. Luxury all the way. What a great way to travel, if you can.

The house we have rented is mind-blowing with all the state of the art technology. You walk into a room and things light up. You walk past the garbage can and it opens for you but most of all a huge bathroom mirror onto which is projected a full computer! Yes, on the mirror. Have no idea how it works but you can check your email, watch Netflix, CNN or whatever while you put on your make-up.

However, the memory of today is all that Benji and Judy have done to bring me here to VidCon to be with them. You need to know that it has always been a joke that whenever I visit, Julianna (and then the twins) would take one look at me and … SCREAM. Strange lady, strange voice. Today, July 22, 2015 was a memory for many reasons. I don’t know what Benji and Judy did but when Julianna came into the house she not only didn’t scream but she let me pick her up and she treated me like a friend. I nearly cried. It was topped by the twins deciding that I was useful… I could get them extra Cheerios and then they dropped them on the floor and fed them to me. One cannot help but ignore the health risks when it was such fun.

I was blessed today. In so many ways. Surely, a great day to remember.


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