57. Thank you for helping us reach 100,000 views and helping so many! <3

A year ago I had no idea that by this time of this year I would be sitting here, shaking my head with awe, and reading that we had reached the 100,000 views benchmark. Thank you all for all your support, love and friendships. Thank you for giving me the strength to keep going, the courage to give up smoking and the love to share with so many. Most of all, thank you for showing me that who I am is more important to you than make-up and beautiful hair :))))

We have helped battered women, men who thought their life had ceased to be because they did badly in an exam, we have helped pre-teens, teens and 20-somethings. We have helped 30-40 year olds with cheating husbands, in-laws from hell and wondering what the future brings. We have had 50+ talk of their hot sweats, their children’s weddings, their grandchildren and their life changes. We have had everyone send us pix of their loving pets and we have formed an extended family for so many.

I have learned so much and yet feel I am still in the learning curve. A year ago I did a lot of projections of what I would like us to achieve in this our first year. We have passed all those initial goals and are running nearly a year ahead of where I thought we might be.

There are a lot of people who have made it possible: Benji and Judy, Alex, the BlogTV and TinyChat crew and all my personal supporters who put up with my strange schedules, vlogging and inane conversations. Thank you all.

Let’s keep going. Let’s help more and more people and teach them that there are people out here who care, share and will support them, if they need it.


YouTube Upate – Week 49

Subscribers             3,592
Views                        100,200 from 165 countries
Blog views               4,395
Non-Smoking Days  206 –   saving of $2,206.00

Lessons learned: Just keep doing what you love, what you feel needs to be done and be patient enough to give it time to work – DearMamaSal


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